What is Awana?
For more than seven decades, the Lord has used the ministry of Awana to reach kids, equip leaders and change the world. The unchanging truth of the Gospel drives the same vision we’ve held all these years to reach children in every corner of the globe as we walk boldly into the future and continue to be used by God to help change the world.

“I am a great fan of Awana. I have had a front-row seat for many years watching the ministry of Awana and what it can do to disciple a child, inspire a family and awaken a church to the strategic importance of bringing children to Christ.”
Wess Stafford, Compassion International
Our People
The global Awana staff serves in over 130 countries, empowering local leaders in churches and communities worldwide. Whether shaping curriculum at our U.S. headquarters, connecting with partners in the field or serving churches internationally, the Awana staff embodies one mission: to equip leaders to reach kids with the Gospel and discipleship.

"I learned about a program called Awana, a program that teaches kids about Jesus and helps them develop socially, relationally, spiritually. I realized this was what I'd been praying for."
Pastor Kita – Kanynjre, Malawi
Our Impact
We are disciples making disciples. Reaching more than 6 million kids on a weekly basis, God is using Awana around the world to form tomorrow's Christian leaders from today's children and youth. We have a front-row seat to see what happens when churches grasp the vision of reaching kids with the transformational power of God's Word.

"Awana exists to share the Gospel with kids. God is changing the lives of children and youth through the Awana ministry. I am so passionate about the Awana commitment to proclaim the Gospel and to engage kids in lifelong discipleship.
Gajendra Tamang, South Asia Regional Director